What is Eco-Design Furniture?
April 29, 2020Today we’ll look into Eco-Design furniture. The term “eco” refers, of course, to “Ecological” meaning relating to sustainable practices and environmental care.
Sustainable or salvaged wood is used in Eco furniture
Furniture before the 20th century was often built to last and passed on through generations. The emergence of mass consumption and mechanization changed all that. In modern times, furniture was now being made to be consumed, low-cost, mass-produced and replaced.
The use of toxic and non-biodegradable materials to build lower quality furniture for a mass market comes with nefarious effects to our environment in the long run.
Eco design furniture can be exciting and blend into natural environments
Eco-Design Furniture is hence the attempt to counter those nefarious effects on our environment. Designers are looking to minimize the environmental impacts of production.
How does this translate into action?
Well, before anything, there is a shift in perception that instead of being something to be disposed of, furniture is something that should last a lifetime or longer. This means that fewer raw materials and energy will be used and there will be less pollution as well.
From here designers of Eco furniture generally try to follow these guidelines:
- Use of sustainable materials that can be renewed rapidly, like bamboo
- Use of timber from managed plantations, ensuring sustainability
- Use of recycled materials like salvaged wood
- Restraint from using toxic chemicals or volatile organic compounds (VOC)
- Attempt to reduce carbon footprint when shipping and delivering the furniture
These guidelines of Eco-Design furniture don’t mean that this is a boring kind of furniture, quite the opposite. You can have beautiful, exciting Eco furniture made from cost effective, recycled materials. Also, it is safer and healthier because toxics and VOCs were not used.
Interestingly, Eco-Design furniture comes in a variety of styles. You can choose a rustic look made from salvaged wood, a sleek futuristic look, and many others, all white staying within the Eco-Design genre.
Source: Moretti Interior Design